Sunday, April 8, 2012

On holidays

Fair warning- quite a few of you won't like post. If you are easily offended just stop reading now.

I am an atheist. I have been for about 8 years now. I do not believe in any kind of god nor do I believe in souls or ghosts. I try to live my life as a good person because it's the right thing to do not because I fear eternal damnation. That being said- I don't have any problem with what you believe. I am not trying to convert you, please don't try to convert me. We all make our own decisions and I think that's great.

I still celebrate all of the Christian holidays I grew up celebrating. They just have different meaning for me now. Mostly I think of holidays as a time to get together with family and friends and relax. What I am sick to death of is being accosted by Christians who think it's their duty to tell me the ONLY way to celebrate the holiday. For example throughout the entire Christmas season I have to try to ignore the people who insist on telling me to REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! Well, Jesus is the reason for YOUR season. There are actually a lot of winter holidays celebrated at the same time as Christmas. MY reason for the season is to give gifts to my family and friends to show them how much I love and appreciate them. Santa Claus comes to my little girl and we spend time with our family. Why is it your business to tell me how to celebrate? I don't tell you that everything you believe is wrong.

Easter is another bad one for me. Every year I have people "reminding" me to "remember what the day is all about". Jesus' execution and subsequent rise from the grave may be what the day is all about to you. Not me. The easter bunny showed up here and we are heading over to my parents today for a good dinner. That's it.

There is a difference between simply proclaiming your beliefs (which is fine) and telling others what they should believe (which is not). So today I wish everyone a Happy Easter- may you celebrate it how you see fit.


  1. Very well said. No matter what we believe in, we should keep it to ourselves.

  2. Well said. My beliefs differ from yours. But I too believe that people have the right to live their life without being preached to by those who believe differently.

    May you enjoy your Easter holiday.

  3. I will spend today praying to save your soul from damnation.
    And eating a chocolate bunny the size of a small horse.
    And watching porn.

  4. Happy Judeo-Christian Zombie Day! ;-)

  5. Easter/Passover is in springtime to remind us to start our vegetable gardens..... I don't like it because my favorite breakfast place is closed today.

  6. First of all, I love Tim's comment. Second of all, I feel exactly the same. I too enjoy the holidays as a time to relax, spend time with friends and family, and get our of work. I don't need someone telling me I shouldn't be celebrating because I don't believe in their God. I can celebrate if I want, the way I want, and just enjoy the fact that I had a 3 day weekend.

    1. 3 day weekends rule!

      You go right ahead and celebrate how you like.
      Watch porn if you want while eating a chocolate bunny.
      Oh wait, that kind of is porn.

      I'll be in my bunk.

  7. Don't disagree with you, but I still miss seeing your family at church, now I have to wait till the Fourth of July! ~ Dave

  8. Well, you'll never stop people from telling you what they think, that's just what they do. Haters gotta hate. Let them do what they want and exhaust themselves while they do it. There is no easy way to drown out everyone's distracting opinions about silly subjects :)
